Druids Order of Avebury

Welcome to the Druids Order of Avebury

The Druids Order of Avebury was established in 2015, co-founded by the late Arch Druid and Keeper of the Stones, Terry Dobney. Dedicated to preserving the druidic rites of the ancient temple Caer Abiri (Avebury), we uphold the traditions and teachings of our esteemed co-founder. Our order, inspired by Celtic traditions, focuses on the teachings passed down by Terry Dobney. Training to be a Druid is a lifelong journey. We encourage focusing on humanity, the natural cycles, and the magic of nature. Integrity, inspiration through discussion and debate, and honoring our ancestors are core to our beliefs. All things are interconnected, and we seek wisdom through the free-flowing Awen.

Practices and Community Engagement

Ceremonies and rituals are conducted within the sacred complex of Avebury, celebrating the interconnectedness of life and nature. We draw inspiration from the natural world and aim to foster a deeper understanding and respect for our environment. The teachings of Terry Dobney guide our practices, ensuring that we remain true to the ancient traditions while adapting to the needs of the present. We also provide guided tours, handfasting ceremonies, funerals and other rituals such as namings and coming of age rituals within the sacred grounds of Avebury. Additionally, we are a member of the Council Of British Druid Orders (COBDO), actively participating in broader druidic and Pagan communities. We have facilitated media companies in documenting the complex and have conducted numerous interviews to share our knowledge and practices with a wider audience. Our order thrives on community engagement, promoting the values of truth, knowledge and justice.

The Druid's Vow

We swear by peace and love to stand
Heart to heart, and hand in hand;
Mark! O Spirit, and hear us now,
Confirming this, our sacred vow.


We swear by peace and love to stand
Heart to heart, and hand in hand;
Mark! O Spirit, and hear us now,
Confirming this, our sacred vow.


We swear by peace and love to stand
Heart to heart, and hand in hand;
Mark! O Spirit, and hear us now,
Confirming this, our most sacred vow.
