Druids Order of Avebury


Pagan Rites of Passage at Avebury

The Order provides a range of Pagan rites of passage at the historic site of Avebury. These sacred ceremonies include, and not limited to:

  • Baby Naming: Welcoming a new life into the world with a special naming ceremony, connecting the child to nature and community.
  • Handfasting: Celebrating the union of couples with an ancient Pagan tradition, symbolizing their commitment and love.
  • Funerals: Honoring the life and legacy of loved ones with a respectful and meaningful farewell, embracing the cycle of life and death.

Contact Information

For more details or to schedule a ceremony, please contact:

Email: thedruidsorderofavebury@gmail.com

Facebook: Idril Shelvock Crone of Avebury

Embrace the beauty and tradition of Pagan rites at one of the most magical and ancient sites in the world.

Bound To You

I bow to you

And howl with you,

You are my skin

I vow to you:

That all I do

Has you in mind,

You are the fire

Of every find

And every kind

Of thought I feel,

Is formed from you,

You make it real.

I’m bound to you

And all I do

Is drawn upon

The ground of you.

>¦< Mark Westmore >¦<